39 lesco dimension label
Details for LESCO DIMENSION 0.21% PLUS FERTILIZER | US EPA The latest label is at the top of the list. EPA Registration Number: 10404-87 Company Name: LESCO, INC. Address: 1385 EAST 36TH STREET City, State Zip: CLEVELAND, OH 441144114 First Registered Date: NOVEMBER 22, 1995 Current Status (Date): Registered (NOVEMBER 22, 1995) Restricted Use: NO Labels SLN/24(c) Data Forms Chemical Alt Brand Name Labels for LESCO DIMENSION 0.15% PLUS FERTILIZER (10404-86) Labels for LESCO DIMENSION 0.15% PLUS FERTILIZER (10404-86) | US EPA Labels for LESCO DIMENSION 0.15% PLUS FERTILIZER (10404-86) You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name
PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 LESCO Dimension™ 0.15% Plus Fertilizer (alternate brandname BEST GREENING SYSTEMS™ CRABGRASS PRE-EMERGENT PLUS FERTILIZER) (alternate brandname BASIC ControL Dithiopyr 0.15% Plus Fertilizer, LESCO Lifeguard 0.15% plus fertilizer) Contains LESCO®Poly Plus®Polymer Coated Urea to provide a uniform growth with extended nitrogen feeding.

Lesco dimension label
LESCO DIMENSION 0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide - SiteOne LESCO DIMENSION TM 0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide . Product Code: EPA Registration No.: 62719-429-10404 . Synonyms: Dimension; Granular Herbicide . 1.2. Intended Use of the Product. Use of the substance/mixture: Weed killer for lawns . 1.3. Name, Address, and Telephone of the Responsible Party. Company. LESCO, Inc. 1385 East 36th St ... 0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide - labelsds.com LESCO Dimension® 0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide provides season-long control of crabgrass and control or sup-pression of other listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in established lawns and ornamental turfs, (including golf crowfootgrass course fairways, roughs, and tee boxes), and container and field-grown nursery ornamentals. 0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide - siteone.com LESCO Dimension® 0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide provides season-long control of crabgrass and control or sup- pression of other listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in established lawns and ornamental turfs, (including golf course fairways, roughs, and tee boxes), and container and field-grown nursery ornamentals.
Lesco dimension label. Products | LESCO LESCO® fertilizers offer leading formulations and a proven track record for healthy, long-term results. We’ve dedicated more than 50 years to studying and perfecting the science of growing turfgrass. Featuring these LESCO Technologies: LESCO NOS LESCO PolyPlus-Opti™ LESCO NOS Plus LESCO CarbonPro™ LESCO PolyPlus Learn More about LESCO Fertilizer PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 - Us Epa 1385 East 36th Street Cleveland, OH 44114-4114 Subject: Notification per PRN 98-10 - Add Optional Marketing Claims and Alternate Brand Name "Dimension 0.21% Plus Fertilizer" Product Name: Lesco Dimension 0.21% Plus Fertilizer EPA Registration Number: 10404-87 Application Date: 12/08/15 Decision Number: 512165 Dear Mr. Meindl: PDF DIMENSION 0.21% Plus Fertilizer - Turf Grow LESCO, Inc. warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated in the Directions for Use, subject to the inherent risks referred to above, when used in accordance with the Directions for Use under normal use conditions. LESCO Dimension 0.21% 0-0-7 A/C Pre-Emergent Plus Ferti - SiteOne LESCO Dimension 0.21% 0-0-7 A/C Pre-Emergent Plus Fertilizer 50 lb. SGN 240 Proven Results Advanced Testing Comprehensive Offerings Nonstaining formulation Wide application window Season-long control REGULATED RETAIL PRICE $47.17 / Each Log in to see your price In Stock at Alpharetta GA #172. Check Other Stores FULFILLMENT OPTION SELECTED AT CART
PDF DIMENSION* 0.15% Plus Fertilizer It is a violation of Federal law to use this productDIRECTIONSin any mannerinconsistentwith its labeling. This product is a herbicide that provides controlGENERALof crabgrass,INFORMATION lished lawns and ornamental turfs, including golf course fairways, roughs, and tee boxes. PDF LESCO Dimension (0.07% , 0.10%, 0.15%- 0.21%) Plus Fertilizer - Turf Grow LESCO, Inc. 1385 East 36th St Cleveland, OH 44114 T 800-347-4272 1.4. Emergency Telephone Number Emergency Number : 1-800-424-9300 For Chemical Emergency, Spill, Leak, Fire, Exposure, or Accident, call CHEMTREC - Day or Night SECTION 2 : HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 2.1. Classification of the Substance or Mixture Classification (GHS-US) Details for LESCO DIMENSION 0.15% PLUS FERTILIZER | US EPA The latest label is at the top of the list. EPA Registration Number: 10404-86 Company Name: LESCO, INC. Address: 1385 EAST 36TH STREET City, State Zip: CLEVELAND, OH 441144114 First Registered Date: NOVEMBER 22, 1995 Current Status (Date): Registered (NOVEMBER 22, 1995) Restricted Use: NO Labels SLN/24 (c) Chemical Alt Brand Name Lesco 50-lb 18300-sq ft 30-0-5 Weed Control Fertilizer - Lowe's Contains LESCO NOS (nitrogen optimization system) for increased nitrogen use efficiency and extended greening Dimension 0.21% THIS ITEM IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE Please check later - it'll be ready for purchase again soon. Overview Combining spring green-up with pre-emergent weed control.
LESCO PolyPlus-Opti™ | LESCO Engineered with a polymer coating that meters nitrogen over time, LESCO® PolyPlus-Opti makes it easier to deliver linear, consistent greening over time. With a blend of coating thicknesses that deliver 90-, 120- and 180-day release rates, it offers lasting performance plus operational advantages. A controlled release of nitrogen provides an ... Labels for LESCO DIMENSION 0.21% PLUS FERTILIZER (10404-87) Labels for LESCO DIMENSION 0.21% PLUS FERTILIZER (10404-87) You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels. LESCO 50 lb. 19-0-7 Dimension Crabgrass Preventer Dry Lawn Fertilizer ... LESCO Dimension Crabgrass Pre-Emergent 19-0-7 will prevent and control more than 20 annual broadleaf and grass weeds for up to four months. This easy-to-apply formula also has slow-release nitrogen and potassium to fortify a variety of turfgrass lawns against drought or disease. Covers up to 13,000 square feet. PDF DIMENSION* 0.10% Plus Fertilizer - grasshoppergardens.com DIMENSION* 0.10% Plus Fertilizer DIMENSION* 0.10% Plus Fertilizer NOT FOR USE on turf being grown for sale or other commercial use as sod, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes.
Labels for LESCO DIMENSION 0.10% PLUS FERTILIZER (10404-85) Labels for LESCO DIMENSION 0.10% PLUS FERTILIZER (10404-85) You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest Version: 2.4.2
LESCO PolyPlus | LESCO Looking for LESCO Safety Data Sheets or product labels? Please visit our SDS label search. Hear what other pros are saying about PolyPlus. LESCO PolyPlus XR and SL are helping your fellow landscape professionals put down less nitrogen and use less labor, all while growing revenues and their customer base.
Fertilizer | LESCO LESCO® fertilizers offer leading formulations and a proven track record for healthy, long-term results. We've dedicated more than 50 years to studying and perfecting the science of growing turfgrass. Along the way, we've developed exclusive techniques to deliver turf that looks good and stands up to all kinds of stress.
0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide - siteone.com LESCO Dimension® 0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide provides season-long control of crabgrass and control or sup- pression of other listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in established lawns and ornamental turfs, (including golf course fairways, roughs, and tee boxes), and container and field-grown nursery ornamentals.
0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide - labelsds.com LESCO Dimension® 0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide provides season-long control of crabgrass and control or sup-pression of other listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in established lawns and ornamental turfs, (including golf crowfootgrass course fairways, roughs, and tee boxes), and container and field-grown nursery ornamentals.
LESCO DIMENSION 0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide - SiteOne LESCO DIMENSION TM 0.27G Turf and Ornamental Herbicide . Product Code: EPA Registration No.: 62719-429-10404 . Synonyms: Dimension; Granular Herbicide . 1.2. Intended Use of the Product. Use of the substance/mixture: Weed killer for lawns . 1.3. Name, Address, and Telephone of the Responsible Party. Company. LESCO, Inc. 1385 East 36th St ...
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