38 error: label at end of compound statement
[Qce-ga-devel] /backup/src/qc-usb/qc-driver.c:1495: error: label at end ... © 2022 Slashdot Media. All Rights Reserved. Terms Privacy Opt Out Advertise. Oh no! Some styles failed to load. 😵 Please try reloading this page ERROR : label at end of compound statement - solanin - 博客园 ERROR : label at end of compound statement 在高版本gcc中,对如如下情况视为错误 switch (x) { case 1: .... default: } default后面必须加break或者空语句。 switch (x) { case 1: .... default: break; } 在用高版本gcc编译低版本代码的时候经常出现这个错误。 标签: 错误记录 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 solanin 粉丝 - 0 关注 - 0 +加关注 0 0 « 上一篇: 对XXX的未定义引用 » 下一篇: 移植程序到arm开发板小记
SDCC.y:1004:4: error: label at end of compound statement #2 - GitHub SDCC.y:1004:4: error: label at end of compound statement make[2]: *** [SDCCy.o] Error 1 make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/builder/gbdk/sdcc/src' make[1]: *** [sdcc-cc] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/builder/gbdk/sdcc' make: *** [sdcc-build] Error 2
Error: label at end of compound statement
en.cppreference.com › w › cppif statement - cppreference.com Aug 10, 2022 · If the statement begins with if !consteval, the compound-statement and statement (if any) must be both compound statements. Such statement is not considered as consteval if statement, but is equivalent to a consteval if statement: if! consteval {/*stmt*/} is equivalent to if consteval {} else {/*stmt*/}. gcc版本太高导致编译错误_Z_hehe的博客-CSDN博客_gcc版本过高 编译出错是家常便饭了,我自己先把遇到的问题先一点点存到这里吧:1 label at end of compound statement(标志出现在复合语句的末尾)GCC4不允许行标记之后为空,加上空语句";"就可以了,如default:}改成:default: ;} PDF Title: Labels at the end of compound statements (C compatibility ... So that several statements can be and used where one is expected, the compound statement (also, and equivalently, called "block") is provided. compound-statement: { statement-seqopt label-seqopt} statement-seq: statement statement-seq statement label-seq: label label-seq label A compound statement defines a block scope.
Error: label at end of compound statement. dev.mysql.com › doc › refmanMySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 13.6.1 BEGIN ... END ... A compound statement can contain multiple statements, enclosed by the BEGIN and END keywords. statement_list represents a list of one or more statements, each terminated by a semicolon (;) statement delimiter. The statement_list itself is optional, so the empty compound statement (BEGIN END) is legal. BEGIN ... END blocks can be nested. c - Linux终端-错误: label at end of compound statement - IT工具网 最佳答案 遇到错误 label at end of compound statement 的原因是因为 default 大小写不 能为空,这意味着您必须提供 break 或; 空语句。 编辑 :我找到了关于该主题的一些资料,并且知道了: ,这是关于编译器gcc3.4的问题,该编译器在没有语句的情况下报告 default 错误,并且在gcc3.3上发出警告,但现在,我在gcc4.8.2上进行了测试,没关系。 ... c : 私のプログラムをコンパイルするとき、なぜそれは「複合文の終わりのラベル」と文句を言うのですか? switch-statement; c : 私のプログラムをコンパイルするとき、なぜそれは「複合文の終わりのラベル」と文句を言うのですか? ... In function 'badgeAnyColor': badges.c:335: error: label at end of compound statement あなたがそれが不満の場所を見るのを助けるために、苦情は ... label at the end of compuound statement error - LinuxQuestions.org jogapp.c:223: error: label at end of compound statement jogapp.c: In function 'read_rc': jogapp.c:272: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit' jogapp.c: In function 'check_jog': jogapp.c:319: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit' jogapp.c:367: error: label at end of compound statement jogapp.c: In function 'main':
How to Fix Compile Error: Expected: End of Statement - VBA and VB.Net ... Tagged with: compile error, Error, Errors, expected: end of statement, syntax error, types of errors, VBA About the author Joseph Maabo J. Maabo is a health economist currently working as a consultant. ../vmsrc/threads.c:323: error: label at end of compound statement 4.2m members in the programming community. Computer Programming. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts C言語のgoto文でerror: label at end of compound statement C言語のgoto文でerror: label at end of compound statement by helloworld » 1 year ago よろしくお願いします。 C言語でgoto文を使うことは外道だと言われてしまいそうですが、 goto文を使った基本的なプログラムを作成したのですが、 エラーメッセージが出てしまします。 このエラーはどういった意味でしょうか? また、コードを書き直してもらえませんか? C言語です。 C++ではないです。 よろしくお願いします。 Code: [解決済み] Linux ターミナル - エラー: 複合文の末尾にラベルがあります。 - BinaryDevelop エラーが発生した原因 label at end of compound statement は default ケースを空にすることはできません。 break または ; 空のステートメント。 編集 : そのテーマで資料を探すと、それが出てきました。 コンパイラgcc3.4の問題です。 default gcc3.3では警告が出ていたのですが、gcc4.8.2でテストしたところ、正常に動作しています。
› matter › authorsInformation for authors: Matter - Cell A manuscript may be returned to the author(s) without external review if, in the opinion of the handling editor(s), one or more of the following apply: the manuscript clearly falls outside the scope of the journal (transfer could be suggested); the work is of poor scientific quality such that it is clearly not suitable for publication in a scientific journal; the manuscript is of insufficient ... Re: compilartion error : label at end of compound statement - LinuxMIPS will result in this error message in C9x. Solution: insert a semicolon like: switch (x) { case 3: ; } The reason is that the C stanadard requires - and thus gcc since 3.4 (?) - a label to be followed by a statement and a semicolon alone is already an statement. Ralf [More with this subject... Label At End Of Compound Statement / Compound Statements The idl compiler checks the end of each block, comparing it with the type of the enclosing statement. Allow labels at the end of a compound statement, while c++ does not. C++ grammar to remove this remaining difference. It is proposed to change the. Label at end of compound statement with the gcc 4.6.1 compiler. Label at end of compound ... Evolution GCC error: label at end of compound statement - Arch Linux The undocumented extension that allowed C programs to have a label at the end of a compound statement, which has been deprecated since GCC 3.0, has been removed. What this means is that the default: statement at the end of connection_listen_cb needs a statement after it - add a new line break; which will do absolutely nothing but means the code will compile.
compilartion error : label at end of compound statement - LinuxMIPS compilartion error : label at end of compound statement: From: Gowri Satish Adimulam Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 16:07:52 +0900: In-reply-to: <20060324.131809.115639866.nemoto@toshiba-tops.co.jp> Organization: Bitel Co Ltd: Original-recipient: rfc822;linux-mips@linux-mips.org: References:
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › For_loopFor loop - Wikipedia Some languages (PL/I, FORTRAN 95 and later) allow a statement label on the start of a for-loop that can be matched by the compiler against the same text on the corresponding end-loop statement. Fortran also allows the EXIT and CYCLE statements to name this text; in a nest of loops this makes clear which loop is intended. However, in these ...
dev.mysql.com › doc › refmanMySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: DECLARE ... CREATE PROCEDURE p () BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 3; retry: REPEAT BEGIN DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLWARNING BEGIN ITERATE retry; # illegal END; IF i < 0 THEN LEAVE retry; # legal END IF; SET i = i - 1; END; UNTIL FALSE END REPEAT; END; The retry label is in scope for the IF statement within the block.
Linux terminal - error: label at end of compound statement The reason why you meet the error label at end of compound statement is because the default case can not be empty, it means you must provide a break or ; empty statement.
en.cppreference.com › w › cppswitch statement - cppreference.com Jun 10, 2022 · If condition evaluates to the value that doesn't match any of the case: labels, and the default: label is present, control is transferred to the statement labeled with the default: label. If condition evaluates to the value that doesn't match any of the case: labels, and the default: label is not present, then none of the statements in switch ...
c - 当我编译我的程序时,为什么它会提示 "label at end of compound statement"? 最佳答案 error: label at end of compound statement 上面的错误是因为这两种情况 case 4 : case 5: break; 现在你没有使用这两种情况你也可以删除它们。 What if I want the same thing that happened in case 3 to also happen in case 4 and 5?? And thanks for the input 您需要移动案例 4 和案例 5 case 3 : case 4 : case 5: //statements you written for case 3 例如
eazel-engine: FTBFS with gcc-3.4: label at end of compound statement eazel-engine: FTBFS with gcc-3.4: label at end of compound statement Package: eazel-engine ; Maintainer for eazel-engine is (unknown) ; Reported by: Andreas Jochens
gopher: FTBFS with gcc-3.4: label at end of compound statement gopher: FTBFS with gcc-3.4: label at end of compound statement Package: gopher ; Maintainer for gopher is John Goerzen ; Source for gopher is src:gopher ( PTS , buildd , popcon ).
badges.c: In function 'badgeAnyColor': badges.c:335: error: label at ... int bronzebadges, northbadges, northeastbadges, northwestbadges, eastbadges, westbadges, southbadges, southeastbadges, southwestbadges, polybadge;
error: label at end of compound statement when using make #1 - GitHub bfc.c: In function 'main': bfc.c:102:9: error: label at end of compound statement 102 | default: | ^~~~~~ bfc.c:15:9: warning: unused variable 'option' [-Wunused-variable] 15 | int option; | ^~~~~~ make: *** [Makefile:29: bfc] Error 1 I...
label at end of compound statement-dagun-ChinaUnix博客 用 户 组: 普通用户 注册时间: 2010-05-06 19:05 label at end of compound statement 分类: C/C++ 2010-09-20 10:03:47 在高版本gcc中,对如如下情况视为错误 switch (x) { case 1: .... default: } default后面必须加break或者空语句。 在用高版本gcc编译低版本代码的时候经常出现这个错误。 阅读 (10553) | 评论 (1) | 转发 (0) | 0 上一篇: 迷你WEB服务器-BOA 下一篇: Bootloader学习 给主人留下些什么吧! ~~ chinaunix网友 2010-09-21 10:13:29
52655 - confusing "error: label at end of compound statement" for ... (in reply to comment #0 ) > the following code compiles with error: label at end of compound statement with > the gcc 4.6.1 compiler. > > content of t.c: > ----8 void > foo (int op) > { > int x = 100000 >> 3; /* ok */ > > switch (op) > { > case 0: > x = 100000 >> 3; /* t.c:12:5: error: label at end of compound > statement */ > break; > > default: …
[PATCH] c++: Implement P2324R2, labels at the end of compound-stmts ... On 5/8/22 20:26, Marek Polacek wrote: > This patch implements C++23 , which allows > labels at the end of a compound statement. Its C FE counterpart was > already implemented in r11-4813. > > In cp_parser_statement I rely on in_compound to determine whether we're > in a compound-statement, ...
チャレンジc言語 ~エラーなど~ switch.c:38: error: label at end of compound statement 意味:複合文の最後がラベルで終わっています. 原因:ブロックの最後に,後に文が続かないラベルをつけている.空文を入れるなどすべき. switch.c:37: error: label `LABEL_1' used but not defined
docs.microsoft.com › en-us › cppCompiler Error C2143 | Microsoft Docs Aug 03, 2021 · Or when a label is not attached to a statement. If you must place a label by itself, for example, at the end of a compound statement, attach it to a null statement: // C2143f.cpp // compile with: /c void func1() { // OK end1: ; end2: // C2143 }
PK98987: Compiler error: label at end of compound statement - IBM IBM Rational Test RealTime - Runtime Analysis - Compiler error: label at end of compound statement. Problem conclusion Fixed in version Temporary fix Comments APAR Information APAR number PK98987 Reported component name TEST REALTIME U Reported component ID 5724G2001 Reported release 750 Status CLOSED PER PE NoPE HIPER NoHIPER
MplayerXP-mplayer with extra performance / Bugs / #12 label at end of ... Receiving the following error while attempting to compile with: RedHat 7.2 GCC-3.4.3 Make-3.80 Binutils-2.15. gcc-3.4.3 -c -O3 -mtune=ev56 -mcpu=ev56 -mieee -
PDF Title: Labels at the end of compound statements (C compatibility ... So that several statements can be and used where one is expected, the compound statement (also, and equivalently, called "block") is provided. compound-statement: { statement-seqopt label-seqopt} statement-seq: statement statement-seq statement label-seq: label label-seq label A compound statement defines a block scope.
gcc版本太高导致编译错误_Z_hehe的博客-CSDN博客_gcc版本过高 编译出错是家常便饭了,我自己先把遇到的问题先一点点存到这里吧:1 label at end of compound statement(标志出现在复合语句的末尾)GCC4不允许行标记之后为空,加上空语句";"就可以了,如default:}改成:default: ;}
en.cppreference.com › w › cppif statement - cppreference.com Aug 10, 2022 · If the statement begins with if !consteval, the compound-statement and statement (if any) must be both compound statements. Such statement is not considered as consteval if statement, but is equivalent to a consteval if statement: if! consteval {/*stmt*/} is equivalent to if consteval {} else {/*stmt*/}.
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